Hormonal imbalances, oxidative damage, poor nutrition, stress, low stomach acid, or poor circulation to the scalp can all cause hair loss or baldness. One of the most common causes is low thyroid. Lack of adequate protein in the diet or difficulty in digesting and assimilating protein is another common cause. To determine the underlying cause, each case must be evaluated individually. The remedies listed below may help to slow or prevent hair loss.
Herbal Formulas: HSN Complex, HSN-W, Trigger Immune®, TS II w/Hops (TS II), PS II, SF
Herbs: Aloe vera, Kelp, Sage, Eleuthero, Maca, Dulse
Nutrients: Iron, Zinc, Protease, Co-Q10
Nutritional Supplements: Nutri-Calm
Essential Oils: Clary Sage, Rosemary, Wild, Thyme, Wild
Nutraceuticals: Thai-Go®, Super GLA, Thyroid Support, PDA Combination (Protein Digestive Aid), Adrenal Support
Topicals: Jojoba Oil