About Iridology

Iridology is the science of examining the eye in order to determine the state of health in the body.

The iris can be described as a miniature screen reflecting the condition of the inherent characteristics of tissue in an organ, its change and developments – long before they have manifested themselves into disease symptoms.

When we look at an infant’s eye, we see how clear and bright it is, as opposed to the dull, murky, milky and often glazed eye of the aged. Throughout life, accumulations of toxic waste, acids and catarrh, find their way into the different tissues, affecting the weaker organs and registering on the iris, so gradually changing the colour and appearance of the eye. Inorganic minerals, salt, drugs and suppressive treatments – all leave deposits which are reflected on the iris.

The iris can reveal whether a disease is in its acute or chronic form, whether he body is eliminating or retaining its wastes, the state of the nervous, circulatory or lymphatic systems. Both eyes reveal the general state of the body with each iris interpreting a different set of organs. This allows independent assessment and is invaluable in cases where one side may be overactive and the other under active (e.g. the thyroid gland); in blood tests, such information often cancels itself out and remains undetected.

Iridology does not give names to diseases. We do not read ‘asthma’ or arthritis’ in the eyes. We do not ‘see’ stones in a gall bladder (as an x-ray would reveal), but inflammation and the extent to which the tissue or organ has been affected.

Iris analysis is a powerful tool to understand the whole person; your constitution, strengths and weaknesses. The scope of the iris is enormous but, its main value lies in the search for the underlying cause.

It is an effective, non-invasive and pain free diagnostic tool used in the Herbal Clinic, to illustrate the unique pattern of an individual’s health and potential disease.

Changes in the iris are observed throughout treatment.

Iridology is currently being researched to enable it to be used in mainstream hospitals, pioneered by John Andrews, author of many books and research in the field.