Ear infections, circulatory problems, or nerve damage can all cause humming or ringing in the ears when there is no external source of sound. To use as ear drops, CBG Extract mixed with Lobelia extract and warmed to body temperature may be beneficial. Appropriate remedies are determined by the cause.
Herbal Formulas: HY-C, Chinese, KB-C, Combination CBG Extract, IF-C, Chinese, Ginkgo & Hawthorn Combination
Herbs: Aloe vera, Black Cohosh, Ginkgo Biloba, Lobelia, St. John’s wort, Garlic, High Potency, SynerPro, Garlic, Wood Betony
Nutrients: Zinc
Nutritional Supplements: Vitamin B-Complex, Balanced, Vitamin B-Complex, Balanced
Essential Oils: Lemon
Nutraceuticals: Mega-Chel (MC)