Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut Syndrome
What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Leaky Gut Syndrome is a result of inflammation in the gut. When the membranes of the intestines get inflamed, they lose their shape. This lets irritants and partially digested food into the bloodstream.
Think for a moment about what would happen if your sewer or septic system started to back up into your kitchen. It's not a nice thing to think about, is it? But because of this extra intestinal permeability, many people have a similar problem going on inside their own bodies.
This leakage in the intestines has been linked to a number of physical and "mental" health problems, such as ADHD, autism, depression, allergies, asthma, and skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis. Autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto's thyroiditis, arthritis, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia may also be linked to leaky gut syndrome.
Leaky Gut Syndrome is caused by inflammation in the intestines, which is caused by a combination of things. Drugs (like antibiotics, birth control pills, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), chemotherapy drugs, etc.), infections, parasites, food allergies, and chemicals are all examples. A lack of enzymes and a diet high in carbohydrates are also factors.
When the intestines are inflamed, they don’t absorb nutrients as well, which can make you feel tired and bloated. Leaking toxins also make the liver work harder. The liver acts as a second line of defense by getting rid of substances absorbed by the intestines that the body doesn’t want in the bloodstream.
When large, undigested food particles are taken in because the membranes are too porous, they cause the immune system to react. This can make the immune system more sensitive, which can lead to allergic or autoimmune reactions. The inflammation also hurts the proteins that help the body absorb nutrients. This can make it hard to get enough nutrients. Lastly, intestinal membrane damage makes it easier for bacteria, viruses, and yeast to get into the body and hurt other organs and systems.
Getting rid of intestinal inflammation and repairing damaged intestinal membranes to stop gut leakage can help with many health problems. Here are seven things you can do to reduce inflammation in your gut, help it heal, and stop it from leaking.
Leaky gut symptoms include gas, bloating, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. People with diarrhea and IBS had greater gut permeability, according to one study.
Common stomach discomforts are not leaky gut symptoms. Bloating and gas can be caused by food intolerances or dysbiosis (abnormal gut flora), therefore digestive concerns must be considered with other symptoms.
Evidence reveals that our gut microbiome can alter the state of our skin. Acne, rosacea, and eczema.
Children with atopic dermatitis (eczema) revealed leaky gut in a UK study. Children without dermatitis had no leaky gut, according to the study.
Overgrowths of dangerous gut bacteria can promote acne by compromising the small intestine barrier, further supporting the hypothesis that skin and gut health are linked.
A compromised intestinal barrier can cause inflammation when partially digested food particles reach the bloodstream. Foreign particles aren't recognized by the immune system.
The immune system treats things it doesn't identify as threats. This finally induces inflammation. Long-term leaky gut can cause chronic inflammation.
Leaky gut may also cause joint discomfort. Studies show that rheumatoid arthritis sufferers often have leaky gut. It's unknown if leaky stomach causes joint pain or if pain medication causes it.
Autoimmunity is one of the most well-studied effects of leaky gut. Leaky gut has been linked to autoimmune diseases like type 1 diabetes and SLE. Unknown reasons cause this.
Some believe intestinal contents in the blood trigger the immune system. If this continues, the immune system can overreact and assault the body.
Leaky gut is believed to cause nutrient deficits because a weakened intestinal barrier reduces nutrient absorption. Diarrhea combined with leaky gut can further reduce nutrient absorption.
Leaky gut causes persistent fatigue. This is triggered by the inflammatory response when digestive contents seep into the circulation.
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is linked to alterations in the gut flora, according to Cornell University researchers. They detected blood inflammatory indicators linked to leaky gut.
Leaky gut inflammation may produce migraines or headaches. Leaky gut releases pro-inflammatory cytokines. These cytokines cause headaches and migraines through different methods.
Leaky gut may be linked to mood problems. Serotonin, a crucial neurotransmitter, is generated mostly in the gut. Unhealthy stomach affects brain. Stress, mood swings, or hopelessness could be signs of leaky gut.
Step One:
Stay away from things that can irritate your intestinal tract, such as allergies in food, food additives, medicines, and chemicals. Changing to a GAPS, Paleo, or Specific Carbohydrate Diet is an excellent strategy for accomplishing this goal.
Step Two:
strives to encourage healthier digestion and a higher production of stomach acid by taking PDA (and possibly Food Enzymes). To stimulate the production of stomach acid, you might also try taking a small amount of raw apple cider vinegar at the beginning of a meal.
Step Three:
Remove any dangerous germs that may be present in the digestive tract. If hazardous organisms like parasites or an overgrowth of bacteria are contributing to the issue, then it is necessary to get rid of them as part of the resolution procedure. For more information, see the sections on Parasites and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). Infections caused by fungi might also occasionally be a source of concern.
Step Four:
Toxins in the intestine must be bound, and colon transit time must be increased. If small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) isn't an issue, consider taking a Fiber Blend Formula before breakfast. Make sure to drink plenty of water while taking it. Fiber will not help if SIBO is a problem.
The length of time it takes for material to travel from one end of the alimentary canal to the other is referred to as colon transit time. This should take about 18-24 hours in a healthy colon. Eat a food that "dyes" the stool (such as beets or liquid chlorophyll) and time how long it takes for the color to appear in the stool being eliminated. If it takes longer than a day, you have a slow colon transit time.
Drinking plenty of water and taking a Fiber Blend formula will usually improve colon transit time, but magnesium, vitamin C, or a herbal laxative may be required. Take a Stimulant Laxative Formula (LBS II or LB-X) for a short time (while taking the fiber) until your colon moves more quickly. Then, for maintenance, switch to Gentle Move. Stimulant laxatives should not be used for an extended period of time. If you're having trouble having bowel movements without stimulant laxatives and Gentle Move isn't working, try taking high doses of vitamin C (3-5,000 mg per day) and magnesium (800-1200 mg per day). Vitamin C also promotes healing by toning the intestinal membrane.
Step Five:
Intestinal inflammation must be reduced. We've been concentrating on "cleaning out" the intestines up to this point. It is also critical to reduce intestinal inflammation in order to promote tissue regeneration and repair. Aloe vera, cat's claw, chamomile, licorice, wild yam, and St. John's wort are some of the best herbs for reducing intestinal inflammation because they are all good at reducing inflammation and promoting healing. This is where Intestinal Soothe and Build or Ua De Gato come in.
Step Six:
It is necessary to plug the "leaks," which means restoring the integrity of the intestinal membranes. This is our primary goal throughout the process, but in this step, we concentrate on remedies that repair and rebuild tissues. To accomplish this, we turn to Intestinal Toners such as Kudzu/St. John's wort or Ua de Gato. Vitamin C and the amino acid l-glutamine are both beneficial nutrients for promoting repair. There is substantial evidence that l-glutamine can help the gut protect against viral, bacterial, and food-borne antigen invaders.
Step Seven:
The colon must be repopulated with friendly bacteria or probiotics. Consuming fermented foods with live cultures, such as yoghurt or raw sauerkraut, is one way to repopulate the colon with friendly bacteria. Probiotic supplements are another option.
People are frequently astounded by how many health problems vanish (and how much better their overall health and energy improve) when they heal their intestinal tract by reducing inflammation and stopping gut leakage.
Herbs known to help with Leaky Gut Syndrome
Herbal Formulas: Gastro Health (ULC-R+), Intestinal Soothe & Build, LBS II, Uña De Gato (Cat’s Claw Combination)
Herbs: Licorice Root, Chamomile
Nutrients: L-Glutamine, Probiotic Eleven
Nutraceuticals: Gentle Move, Caprylic Acid Combination, Proactazyme, Yeast Fungal Detox, Thai-Go®, Super ORAC
Packs: Detox Basic (30 day)
Liquid Herbs: Pure Body