This is an abnormal growth of prostate cells that is not cancerous. The size of the growth (from the size of a walnut to the size of a grapefruit) and how this growth affects the quality of life are used to determine the severity.
Research shows that this condition is caused by too much dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is a type of testosterone, and poor pelvic circulation from not exercising enough. DHT is needed for the male reproductive organs to grow and work right in the womb. During puberty, it is also needed to finish the development of male sexual traits. 5a-reductase is what changes testosterone into DHT. When this happens too much, which usually happens later in life, DHT causes the prostate to get bigger, baldness, hair to grow in strange ways, and acne.
So, one way to keep prostate problems from happening is to stop the body from making DHT. It has been known for a long time that zinc is good for the male prostate. Now, it has been found that zinc is also a strong inhibitor of 5a-reductase. Zinc supplements help stop testosterone from being changed into DHT.
This change can also be stopped by using herbs. Saw palmetto is one of the most well-known herbs for this problem. Saw palmetto is an endocrine agent that helps the prostate get back to normal and get stronger. It stops glandular tissue from growing in a way that isn't normal. It blocks testosterone and DHT from binding to androgen receptors and stops estrogen, progesterone, and androgen receptors from being made in the prostate. Saw palmetto has a lot of essential fatty acids, which help the prostate gland and urinary system. It also helps relax smooth muscles and fights inflammation very well.
Nettle root and pygeum are two other herbs that can help men with BPH. Men's Formula also has saw palmetto and zinc, which are mixed with these herbs. This blend is a good supplement for most men who want to stop their prostates from getting bigger or shrink them if they are already bigger. Here, Breast Assured can also help.
Equolibrium contains equol, which binds to DHT and stops it from attaching to the prostate and making it grow. It can help a lot to improve the way the bladder works and other BPH symptoms.
Xenoestrogens are a major factor in BPH. Cut back on or get rid of dairy products and spend as little time as possible around pesticides, soft plastics, and other things that contain xenoestrogens. Take Indole-3-carbinol and eat cruciferous vegetables to help break down extra estrogens. Stay away from grapefruit because it stops the breakdown of estrogen. Also, you shouldn't drink beer because the hops in it are very estrogenic.
Herbal Formulas: Herbal Pumpkin, P-X, PS II, KB-C
Herbs: Damiana, Eleuthero, Saw Palmetto
Nutrients: Zinc,
Nutraceuticals: DHEA-F (Women), DHEA-M (Men), Men’s Formula w/Lycopene, Breast Assured