Kidney stones are deposits that resemble small rocks that form in the kidneys. They may cause severe back pain, blood in the urine, or interfere with urine elimination if they are large or numerous enough.
The majority of kidney stones (80%) are calcium oxalate and are the result of minerals solidifying out of overly concentrated urine. They obstruct urine flow and are extremely painful to pass.
Kidney stones are uncommon in primitive societies. So, why should we? Drinking plenty of clean water will aid in the retention of minerals in solution. Avoid foods that significantly increase urinary oxalate, such as nuts, chocolate, tea, and peanuts. Caffeine and carbonated beverages increase the risk of kidney stone formation.
A high-quality calcium supplement will actually aid in the binding of oxalate in the gut. Magnesium and vitamin B6 aid in the body's conversion of oxalate to other substances. People who consume a lot of fiber and potassium are less likely to develop kidney stones. Fiber and potassium are abundant in fruits and vegetables.
When passing stones, hydrangea and lemon water help to dissolve the rough edges. Marshmallow soothes the urinary membranes and may be beneficial. To help stones pass, kava kava and lobelia can be used to relax urinary passages.
Herbal Formulas: Kidney Activator, Kidney Activator, Chinese
Herbs: Hydrangea, Juniper Berries, Marshmallow, Parsley, Uva Ursi, Lobelia, Kava Kava
Nutrients: Magnesium
Essential Oils: Lemon