The loss of sphincter control in the bladder is what causes incontinence, which is when a person is unable to keep pee in their bladder. It's possible that this is because the muscles in the pelvic floor don't have enough tone. Exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor, such as practicing initiating and stopping urination while peeing, as well as sitz baths, may be helpful in this scenario. It's also possible that you have an irritable bladder, which causes a strong urge to urinate that you just can't ignore. Tea made from uva ursi is an effective treatment for this issue. The information that follows might also be useful.
Herbal Formulas: Kidney Activator, KB-C, Cranberry & Buchu Concentrate
Herbs: Juniper Berries, St. John’s wort, Uva Ursi, Horsetail, Cornsilk
Nutrients: Co-Q10
Nutraceuticals: Urinary Maintenance, Cellular Energy