Consuming contaminated food can result in severe food poisoning symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and often severe diarrhea. Medical attention should be sought in severe cases.
Lobelia can be used to induce vomiting in order to expel toxic material from the body more quickly. If lobelia is not available, Ipecac, which can be found in most drug stores, is an alternative. Boneset, blue vervain, and mustard are some other herbs that may help induce vomiting.
Activated charcoal is the best way to absorb irritants in the digestive tract and relieve diarrhea. Hydrated Bentonite and slippery elm are two alternatives. Food poisoning can be avoided by taking probiotics and PDA.
Herbal Formulas: Blood Stimulator, Chinese, Liver Balance, Chinese, Ultimate Echinacea
Herbs: Aloe vera, Lobelia, Psyllium, Blue Vervain, Milk Thistle, Garlic, High Potency, SynerPro, Goldenseal
Nutrients: Activated Charcoal, Silver Shield, Probiotics
Nutraceuticals: PDA Combination (Protein Digestive Aid), Immune Stimulator, Milk Thistle Combination