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Under normal conditions, the lungs and sinuses secrete a thin, protective layer of mucus that traps dust and other particles in the air. Cilia, which are thin, hair-like projections, sweep this mucus to the back of the throat (from the sinuses) or to the top of the throat (from the lungs). When mucus becomes trapped in the lungs and the cilia are unable to move it out, an involuntary, explosive expulsion of air from the lung occurs in an attempt to expel the mucus and irritants.
All over-the-counter cough medicines contain cough suppressants, which suppress this cough reflex. This does not help the body eliminate the irritants. Decongestants help thin the mucus so that it can move more freely and expectorants stimulate the cilia to move it out of the system. The following herbs act as expectorants and decongestants to help make coughs productive.
Herbal Formulas: Seasonal Allergy, Four, Marshmallow & Fenugreek , Respiratory System Pack
Herbs: Garlic, High Potency, SynerPro, Garlic, Mullein, Marshmallow, Lobelia, Cordyceps
Essential Oils: Tei Fu, Pine Needle, Eucalyptus, Thyme, Wild, Rosemary, Wild, Myrrh, Wild
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PROSTATE HEALTH NATURAL REMEDIES Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, is a common condition affecting men over the age of 50.
Leaky gut is a result of inflammation in the gut. When the membranes of the intestines get inflamed, they lose their shape. This lets irritants
Ear infections, circulatory problems, or nerve damage can all cause humming or ringing in the ears when there is no external source of sound.
There are many good things about yeast. Bread rises because of yeast. The fermentation process that lets brewers make beer and wine is caused by
“Eat less and exercise more” has been the weight loss mantra for years. But research shows that 90% of people who lose weight this way
People who are looking to gain muscle weight may get assistance from the following goods. A hiatal hernia is frequently the cause of an individual’s
A horny outgrowth on the skin that is typically caused by a virus is referred to as a wart. Internal and external applications of remedies
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